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In Bayan, the renewal of divine revelations for mankind is likened to the change in seasons. In winter, former divine teachings become outdated; In spring, comes renewal of life (resurrection) and a new divine dispensationin for a new period; In summer, the faith reaches its height of glory; During the autumn, the faith gradually start to become less relevant before it ends in its winter period.

Two Hours And Eleven Minutes past the midnight of the 23rd of May 1844 A.D was the dawn of a new divine manifestation. It marked the completion of the full cycle of the Islamic faith which had Superseded all previous manifestations and had lasted 1260 years. The religion of Bayan is now at its infancy and will take 1511 to 2001 Bayanic years to complete its cycle and reach its perfection.
The Bayanic digital library will gradually evolve to be the most comprehensive repository of scanned manuscripts, transcribed books, photographs and documents related directly and indirectly to the Bayani faith. While some of the resources are available in English and French, the remaining bulk is in Arabic and Persian languages.