Important Days in Bayanic Calendar
36 days left to the anniversary of the martyrdom of His Holiness Qodous.
51 days left to the birth day of His Holiness The Primal Point.
85 days left to the anniversary of the martyrdom of His Holiness the Primal Point.
86 days left to the anniversary of the martyrdom of His Holiness Vahid (Sayyid Yahya Darabi).
128 days left to the anniversary of the manifestation of His Holiness Qodous
131 days left to the Day of 'Glad Tidings'.
163 days left to the anniversary of the martyrdom of Her Holiness Tahira & Martyrs of Teheran.
183 days left to the anniversary of the 50th year of Subh-i Azal's appointment to succession.
233 days left to the festive day of 'Commune'.
254 days left to the anniversary of the martyrdom of His Holiness Hujjat.
268 days left to the festive day of 'Sanctity of Azal'.
278 days left to the anniversary of the ascension of His Holiness Subh-i Azal.
287 days left to the anniversary of the martyrdom of His Holiness Bab-ul Bab
317 days left to the first day of the next fasting month.
328 days left to the day of 'Happiness'.
331 days left to the day of 'The Living'.
336 days left to the new Bayani year
360 days left to the Day of Mirrorship
For more details, please see the pages concerning 'Calendar'.