The Primal Point, the Mahdi, the Qaiem


3.    The Primal Point, the Mahdi, the Qaiem

The Twelfth Imam Muhammad son of Imam Askari, called by the Shi’a the Mahdi (the guided One), and the Qaim (He Who Arises), succeeded his father in the Imamate in the year (A.D. 813-814).

He at once disappeared from view and communicated with his followers through an intermediary known as a Gate (BÂB). Four of the Gates followed one another in order. The Fourth Gate appointed no successor, and on his death all communication between the Imam and his followers ceased. The Shi'as believe that the Imam still lives in some mysterious retreat, and will reappear in the fullness of time to establish a millennium throughout the world. The Imam is therefore called the absent Imam. This is the traditional meaning of the Gate.

According to the Shaykhi School of theology, founded by Shaykh Ahmad, there shall be one perfect Shi’a capable of serving as a channel of grace between the Absent Imam and his fold.
Shaykh Ahmad was succeeded by Sayyid Kazim, who, on his death appointed no successor.

When, at the beginning of his mission in 1844, Sayyid Ali Muhammad declared himself to be the BÂB (Gate) this title was misconceived by Moslem and European historians of the BÂBi movement.
They took for granted that he was Gate in the traditional sense of the word, or a channel of grace in the Shaykhi meaning of the word and a successor to Sayyid Kazim.

When Qaim at a later stage of his mission, Sayyid Ali Muhammad declared to be the Qaim this title was again misconceived by Moslems and European Historians of the BÂBi movement. They took for granted that he was the Absent Imam himself, that his upward climb had not ended there and that he claimed to be the manifestation of the Primal Volition.
Treated as an imposter he was executed by a firing party. This is, however, no bar to an examination of his claim.

According to him, god revealed Himself in the person of His Manifestation, Sayyid Ali Muhammad, Him-Who-Has-Appeared.
The title BÂB taken by Him at the beginning of his mission in 1844 meant that he was the gate of god. The Sun of Truth, Sayyid Ali Muhammad appeared under the name of Gateship in the manifestation of the Bayan.
The title Mahdi taken by him, meant that he was the Promised One foretold by Muhammad.
The title Qaim taken by Him meant that “He was Him Who Prevails Over All Men” (Qaiem bar Kull-i Nafs) and whose arising is the resurrection.

The true nature of his claim, made known by him by implication and intimation in his First Book of 1844, and made crystal clear in the Bayan, is that Sayyid Ali Muhammad was the person of His manifestation, Him-Who-Has-Appeared, from the very outset.
Therefore, he was not a gate in the traditional sense of the word, not a channel of grace in the Shaykhi sense of the word, not a successor to Sayyid Kazim, and not the absent Imam himself. There was no upward climb in his claim.
The one and only period of his mission was inspired words sent down through the power of the true Faith (Fitra), which term is apparently equivalent to illiteracy (Ummiya) in the Quranic sense.

The Quran is noted for its eloquence (fasaha) and the Bayan for its spiritual knowledge (‘Irfan).

Whether or not Sayyid Ali Muhammad was right in his claim is another matter. Sayyid Ali Muhammad says that:
« نقطه بیان عبدی بوده مخلوق و مربوب و مولود و آنجه تکلم نموده از آن است نه از او »
« le Point était un esclave créé, nourri, né et héritier, et que tout ce qu'il a dit de la part de Dieu vient réellement de Dieu et non de lui même. »

Nichola’s Le Beyan Persan, Vol. IV, P.142, Wáhid (Unity) IX, BÂB 1.

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