The Rise of Baha

11.   Baha’s Brief stay in Istanbul

11.2  The BÁBi Exiles in Istanbul
The BÁBi Exiles arrived in Istanbul from Baghdad on “Rabi’ Awal 1, 1280 A.H. (August 16, 1863)”. God passes by, P. 157.

11.2.1. Baha’s account
In his letter addressed to Counte Gobineau from Edirne, (see section 17.6.2), Baha, among other things, says:
“This servant obeyed the order of the government and proceeded to Istanbul, accompanied by his family, children and servants. Arrived there it was noticed that the Iranian Ambassador had his way with the Ottoman authorities. During my four months’ there, I went no where and associated with no one at all. After four months an edict was issued ordering my removal to Edirne. I inquired about the reason for it and certain considerations were pleaded. But it became known that it was activated by the ulterior motives of the Iranian ambassador. This servant offered obedience and went to Edirne.”

In another letter addressed to Count Gobineau from Acre, see section 17.6.2, Baha amongst other things, complains: “Not a single farthing has so far been for expenses. A few days ago the Pasha called and told my son that he had cabled [for authority] for payment to some one Franc, and to others half a Franc, a day.”

In his Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Shoghi Effendi’s translation Baha says: P. 69: “Whenever high dignitaries of Persia came to that city (Istanbul) they would exert themselves to the utmost soliciting at every door such allowances and gifts as they might obtain. This Wronged One, however, if he hath done nothing that would redound to the glory of Persia, hath at least acted in a manner that would in no wise disgrace it.”

PP. 137-138: “One day, while in Istanbul, Kamal Pasha visited this Wronged One. Our conversation turned upon topics profitable unto men. He said that he had learned several languages. In reply we observed: “you have wasted your life. It beseemeth you and the other officials of the government to convene a gathering and choose one of the existing scripts, or else to create a new language and a new script to be taught children in schools throughout the world. They would in this way, be acquiring only two languages, one their own language, the other the language in which all the people of the world converse; … we fain would hope that the Persian government will adopt it and carry it out.”

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