The Rise of Baha

10.   Baha’s Sudden Flight to Suleymaniyya
Baha arrived in Baghdad upon expulsion from Iran, on “Jamad Thani 28, 1269 A.H. (April 8, 1853), Shoghi Effendi’s god passes by, P. 109. Baha’s activities in Iraq from the time of his arrival in Baghdad till his removal to Istanbul on “Dhil Qa’da 14, 1279 A.H. May 3rd, 1863”, ibid, P. 133.

10.9  Merits of the Accounts

10.9.5. Mirza Muhammad Ali’s Two Manifestations
In his Will and Testament of 1925, PP 7-8, Baha’s son Mirza Muhammad Ali states that Baha had two manifestations: One “private manifestation in A.H. 1269 (1852-1853) in Baghdad” and one “general manifestation in [the year] eighty [i.e. 1280 A.H. 1863-1864].” Accompanied by production of verses”. In the year 1280 Baha was first in Istanbul, and then in Edirne. Whatever may be Baha’s actual date of arrival in Baghdad upon expulsion from Iran, Baha’s “declaration of his mission” or his “private manifestation” is disproved by Shoghi Effendi’s own statement (see section 9.10.4) to the effect that “during the seven years that elapsed the resumption of his [i.e. Baha’s] labors [upon return from Kurdistan] and the declaration of his prophetic mission [in the garden of Ridvan on the eve of his removal from Baghdad to Istanbul, Baha still appeared in the guise of, and continued to labor, as one of the BÁB’s foremost disciples,” It is disproved by Baha’s “pre-declaration” Iqan of 1862 (see section 4.21.1) which shows that Baha submitted to Subh-i-Azal’s authority.

Consequently there was no “declaration of mission” or “private manifestation” by Baha on arrival in Baghdad upon expulsion from Iran. (See Baha’s grounds of pretensions section 21).

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