Stations of the Primal Point & Baha

3.    Shoghi Effendi's Version
In the Dawn-Breaker, Nabil's Narrative, American Edition, 1932, Introduction, XXX-XXXI, Shoghi Effendi says: "The BÂB was the Qaim, but the Qaim, though a high prophet, stood in relation to a succeeding and greater manifestation as did John the Baptist had been the Herald or Gate of the Christ, So was the BÂB the Herald or gate of Baha".

Apparently in 1932 Shoghi Effendi was unaware of the Baha's Hidden Book.!! In the Chosen Highway by Lady Blomfield, 1940, P. 262, Shoghi Effendi says: "The forerunner of the faith was Mirza Ali Muhammad of Shiraz, known as the BÂB (the gate) who proclaimed on 23rd May 1844".

"his twofold mission as an independent manifestation of God and Herald of one greater than himself, who would inaugurate a new and unprecedented era to the religious history of mankind".

In the Dawn-Breakers, Nabil's Narrative, XXX Shoghi Effendi speaks of the BÂB's twofold mission in the following terms: "When at the beginning of his mission, the BÂB, continuing the tradition of the Shias, proclaimed his function under the double title of, first, the Qaim and, second, the gate, or BÂB, some of the Muhamedans misunderstood the latter reference".

In the end Shoghi Effendi came to the conclusion that the Primal Point was after all a manifestation of god and in the result Baha was to decrease and the Primal Point was to increase so that both, according to Shoghi Effendi became Co-Founder of the Faith.

In his instructions to lead spiritual assemblies concerning the matter of doing up the voting list to be used at the annual local Bahai elections Shoghi Effendi writes: “To state very briefly and as adequately as present circumstances permit, the principal factors that must be taken into consideration before deciding whether a person may be regarded as a true believer or not: Full recognition of the Station of the Forerunner [i.e. the Primal Point, the manifestation of the Unity and Oneness of God according to Sir Abbas Effendi and the Co-Founder of the Bahai Faith according to Shoghi Effendi]. The author [i.e. Baha] and the True Exemplar [i.e. Sir Abbas Effendi] of the Bahai Cause, as set forth in Abdul Baha’s Will & Testament; Unreserved acceptance of and submission to whatsoever has been revealed to their Pen….” The Bahai World, vol. II. 1926-1928, p.78. Baha's revelation Aqdas shall therefore be read together with, and as forming part of, the Bayan plus Sir Abbas Effendi’s writings. Thus we have three revelations, the Primal Point’s, Baha's and Sir Abbas Effendi’s, put together incongruously in a desperate attempt to validate Baha’s pretensions. Who is to clear this mess?

In the Traveller's Narrative by Sir Abbas anonymously at Acre in 1303 A.H. (1885-1896) the BÂB is accorded a secondary importance, whose mission is throughout as a mere Herald or forerunner of Baha. After mature consideration extending over five decades, Sir Abbas Effendi came to the conclusion that the BÂB was after the manifestation of the Unity and the oneness of god.

John Feraly's Version
In his book entitled All things Made New, 1955, P.23, John Feraly dissents from Sir Abbas Effendi and Shoghi Effendi and stresses that the "BÂBi and Bahai Faith are two distinct religions".

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