Baha’s Protocol of Reception

6.     Baha’s Protocol of Reception
Special ushers couched pilgrims for the strait observance of protocol proscribed for them for audience with Baha: Once inside the outer door of Baha’s mansion, and away from inquisitive eyes the pilgrim was to made to go on all fours: Crawling on the hands or feet or knees and kissing the ground he was conducted into Baha’s audience-chamber where he was received by Baha. As the pilgrim went along all fours the usher dinned into his ears that his faith was being put to severe test, that he was being tried and that he was not to be found wanting: he was not to regards the Blessed Beauty [i.e. Baha] with mortal eyes; the fact that he was to see God, Baha, in the form of man should not induce him to imagine that God, Baha was in fact a mortal.
Kashf-al Hiyal PP. 27-28, vol II, 2nd impression or pp. 47-48, vol II, 3rd impression.

Baha’s audiences do not appear to last long as a rule. One of them was described to Prof. Browne minutely by a BÂBi with whom he was intimately acquainted and who was admitted to audience with Baha at Acre.
He was accompanied by a friend and by Mirza Aqa Jan of Kashan, Baha’s amanuensis, called the servant of god. On reaching the flight of steps leading to the room where Baha was, Prof. Browne’s informant the BÂBi, saw his companions prostrate themselves and enter the room on their knees while he was hesitating as to whether he should do the same, Baha called out to him to dispense with the ceremonial. Prof. Browne’s account in J.R.A.S. July 1800.

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