The Rise of Baha

11.   Baha’s Brief stay in Istanbul

11.2  The BÁBi Exiles in Istanbul
The BÁBi Exiles arrived in Istanbul from Baghdad on “Rabi’ Awal 1, 1280 A.H. (August 16, 1863)”. God passes by, P. 157.

11.2.2. Abbas Effendi’s Account in the Traveler’s Narrative
PP. 91-92: “Whomsoever amongst the great he [i.e. Baha] interviewed on his own account, they met, and no word save of science and art passed between them, until certain noblemen sought to guide him, and loosed tongue in friendly counsel, saying, ‘To appeal, to state your case, and to demand and justice is a measure demanded by customs.’

“He replied in answer, “Pursuing the path of obedience to the King’s command we have come to this country. Beyond this we neither had nor have any aim or desire that we shall appeal.’ …. After some months a royal edict was promulgated appointing Edirne, in the district of Roumelia as their place of abode and residence. To that city the BÁBis, accompanied by [Turkish] officers, proceeded all together, and there they made their home and habitation.

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