Baha’s Date of Annunciation
Explanation of Some Terms
Mubashir (Harbinger or precursor)

1.     Baha’s Date of Annunciation

1.1   Explanation of Some Terms

1.1.1    Mubashir (Harbinger or precursor)
There is no historical foundation for Baha’s allegation that the BÂB was his Mubashir. This point is fully dealt with in pp. 17-23 in Professor Browne’s Persian Introduction to the Nuqtatul-Kaf to which reference may be made.

From A.L.M. Nicholas preface to his French translation of the Persian Bayan, Tome Trosieme (Volume three), pages V, VI:

It is not perhaps necessary to explain the differences between Babism, Bahaism and Abdul-Bahism on a point by point basis as it is hardly relevant to our topic. It suffices to say that Bab was a prophet greater than Jesus and greater than Muhammed. He has stated this in those terms and has reiterated them. (His station) could not be reduced by those who pretend to be the continuators (of his path).
Muslims believe that there are two kinds of prophets, the major and the minor prophets. They divide them into those who are the bringers of religious laws and (divine) books (calling them) charé (the establisher of a religion) and those who are simple heralds. Bab was a charé and is pointless to elaborate on that as he himself has stated that, furthermore the work we translate is part of (his) sound chériat (religion). Therefore, to represent him as a mere herald of Baha'ullah is a historical lie.
Another claim is the universalization of the religion of Bab by Baha'ullah (see Epistle to the Son of the Wolf and similar works). Jesus or at least his continuators claimed to have established a universal religion. Muslims are of the same belief with regards to Muhammed and it is hardly necessary to say that Bab in its turn is a realization of all former and divine prophets who established a universal religion.

French Text:
Il n’est peut-être pas nécessaire d’expliquer point par point les différences qui existent entre le Bâbisme, le Béhaïsme et l’Abd oul Béhaïsme, et de plus, cela ne rentre guère dans notre programme. Il me suffira de dire que le Bâb, Prophète, plus grand que Jésus, plus grand que Mohammed – il le dit et le proclame en termes exprès et réitérés – ne saurait être amoindri par ceux qui se prétendent ses continuateurs.
A. peu près comme nous, les Musulmans out deux sortes de Prophètes – les grands et les petits. Ils les divisent en porteurs de Lois religieuses, de Livres révélés – charé’ – et les simples annonciateurs. Le Bâb est un charé’, il est inutile de le discuter. Il le dit lui-même et, d’autre part, l’ouvrage que nous traduisons est une partie de son chéri’at. Donc, le représenter comme un simple annonciateur de Beha Oullah est un mensonge historique. C’en est un autre que de prétendre à l’universalisation de la religion du Bib par Béha Oullah (Epître an fils du Loup et autres es du même genre), Jesus, ou du moins ses continuateurs, ont prétendu établir une religion catholique, c’est à dire, universelle. Les Musulmans sont du même avis en ce qui concerne MOHAMMED et il est à peine besoin de dire que le Bâb à son tour, réalisation de toutes les prophéties antérieures et divines, est catholique.

English Translation:
It is not perhaps necessary to explain the differences between Babism and Bahaism and Abdul-Bahism on a point by point basis as it is hardly relevant to our topic. It suffices to say that Bab was a prophet greater than Jesus and greater than Muhammed. He has stated this in those terms and reiterated. (His station) could not be reduced by those who pretend to be the continuators (of his path).

Muslims believe that there are two types of prophets, the major and the minor ones. They divide them into those who bring religious laws, and (divine) books (calling them) charé and those who are simple heralds.
Bab was a charé and is pointless to elaborate on that as he himself has stated that, furthermore, the work we translate is part of (his) sound chéri (religion). Therefore, to represent him as a mere herald of Baha'ullah is a historical lie.

It is another to claim with the universalization of the religion of Bab by Béha Oullah (Epistle year wire of the Wolf and others be same kind), Jesus, or at least his continuators, claimed to establish a catholic religion, i.e., universal. The Moslems are of the same opinion with regard to MOHAMMED and it is necessary hardly to say that Bâb in its turn, realization of all former and divine prophecies, is catholic.

Another claim is the universalization of the religion of Bab by Baha'ullah (Epistle to the Son of the Wolf and similar works). Jesus or at least his continuators claimed to have established a universal religion. Muslims are of the same belief with regards to Nuhammed and its hardly necessary to say that Bab in its turn a realization of all former and divine prophets established a universal religion.

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