Stations of the Primal Point & Baha

2.    Abbas Effendi's Version
According to Sir Abbas Effendi [i.e. Abdul-Baha's] will and testament, the Primal Point is "the manifestation of the Unity and Oneness of God and forerunner of Baha; Baha is the supreme manifestation of God and dayspring of his most divine essence. All others are servants unto him and do his bidding.

P.26, ibid, "The BÂB has been compared to John the Baptist, but the station of the BÂB is not merely what the herald or forerunner. In himself the BÂB was a manifestation of God, the founder of an independent religion, even though that religion was limited to a brief period of years. The Bahais believe that the BÂB and Baha were co-founders of their faith, the following words of Baha testifying to this truth:
"That so brief a span should have separated the most mighty and wondrous revelation from mine own previous manifestation is a secret that no man can unravel and a mystery such as no mind can fathom. Its duration had been foreordained, and no man shall even discover its reason unless and until he be informed of the content of my Hidden Book".

In the Epistle of Abdul Baha, Vol. 4, P.76, Sir Abbas Effendi says: It is recorded in the Book of Zoroastrians that in the latter days, in three dispensations, the sun is certain to come to a standstill. In the first dispensation the sun will remain motionless for ten days; in the second for twenty days; and in the third for thirty days. The first dispensation in this prophecy refers to the Quranic dispensation during which the sun of truth stood motionless for ten days in its cause in a sign of the Zodiac. Each day is reckoned as one century. The Quranic cycle, therefore lasted one thousand years, which is the period that has elapsed from the setting of the stars of the guardianship [i.e. the Imamat] to the dispensation inaugurated by Sayyid Ali Muhammad the BÂB or the Primal Point.

The second dispensation refers to the Bayanic dispensation of Sayyid Ali Muhammad during which the Sun of Truth remained motionless in that point [i.e. a sign of zodiac) for twenty years. The cycle begun in the year 1260 A.H. [1844] and terminated in the year 1280 A.H (1863-1864). The third dispensation refers to the one inaugurated by Baha during which the Sun of Truth rose and shone at the heavenly sign of the zodiac, the house of the sun for thirty days, which is the maximum time taken by the sun to pass through a sign of zodiac. Consequently Baha's cycle will extend over a period of at least five hundred thousand years.

According to Sir Abbas Effendi's own theory and basis of reckoning, the Point's cycle extends to two thousand years, and is not limited to twenty years as alleged by Sir Abbas Effendi. How does the Baha fit into the picture?

« در کتاب زردشتیان مرقوم است که در آخر دوره مقرر است که این توقف در سه ظهور واقع گردد در ظهور اول ده روز آفتاب وسط آسمان توقف نماید در ظهور ثانی بیست روز در ظهور ثالث سی روز. بدانکه ظهور اول در این خبر حضرت رسول الله است که شمس حقیقت در راه برج ده روز استقرار داشت و هر روز عبارت از یک قرن است و آن صد سال است به این حساب هزار سال میشود و ظهور ثانی نقطه اولی روحی له الفداء است که شمس حقیقت در آن دور بیست سال در آن نقطه استقرار داشت بدایتش سنة شصت هجری بود و نهایتش سنة هشتاد و در دور جمال مبارک چون شمس حقیقت در برج الهی که خانة شمس است طلوع و اشراق فرمود مدت استقرارش عدد شئ بود که آن نهایت مدت استقرار آفتاب است در یک برج تمام لهذا امتدادش بسیار اقلاً پانصد هزار سال »

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