Baha'i Allegations Against Subh-i Azal

1.    Introduction
The BÁBi exiles arrived in Edirne on “Rajab 1, 1280 A.H. (December 12, 1863).” Shoghi Effendi’s god passes by, P. 161.

BÁBi propaganda conducted amongst domiciled in Iraq as well as amongst Iranian pilgrims on their way from Iran to the Holy Shrines of Karbala and Najaf in Iraq and back to Iran, was viewed with disfavor by the Iranian government superadded thereto was the acts of murder committed by Baha’s men in Baghdad prior to his pretensions in Edirne (see section 12.4.4). Consequently, the Iranian government’s, section refers, strong representations to the Ottoman government “to extradite Mirza Husayn Ali [Baha] and such of his followers and familiars as are the cause and the root of the mischief”, or alternatively “to deport and detain that mischief-maker [Baha] and his several intimates from Baghdad to some other place in the interior of the Ottoman kingdom which has no means of communication with our frontiers so that the channel of their mischief-making and sedition may be stopped,” compelled the Ottoman government to take action, she elected the second course, the BÁBi exiles, Baha including, had already acquired the Ottoman nationality.

Under these unfavorable circumstances the BÁBis were first removed to Istanbul, and thence to Edirne. In Edirne Baha was far removed from the salutary influence of prominent BÁBis who had called him to account for his deviations, and who served as a deterrent to the realization of his ambitions. During the Baghdad period, sections
12.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.3, 12.4.4 refer, to placate whom Baha had to promulgate dementias in the way of his Baghdad letters, and Baghdad Will and Testament, which nullify his subsequent pretensions in Edirne.

The two deportations, however, that succeeded one another in such a brief span, with their attendant uncertainty as to future, had jolted Baha to such an extent that he had to call a temporary halt to his underhand activities, set in motion in Baghdad, to displace Subh-i-Azal, and to bide his time till the danger was overpast. Baha caught unprepared to declare himself as to produce ‘untranscribed’ verses.

Therefore, in the early years of the Edirne period, Baha, to all appearance, continued to be a loyal follower of Subh-i-Azal as he had previously been of the Primal Point.
By the passage of time Baha noted with a sense of relief that his only punishment was his forced residence in Edirne. Obsessed with his personality cult, Baha bestirred himself to resume his underhand activities to oust Subh-i-Azal.

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