Abbas Effendi's Will & Testament
Publication of Will


1.   Introduction

1.1    Publications of the Will
Two excerpts from Abdul Baha’s Testament were released for publication, one for consumption by Oriental Bahais and the other by occidental Bahais. Any reference to alleged fratricide is suppressed in the excerpts intended for occidental consumption but it would serve as an eye-opener. Baha’s sons, Muhammad Ali and Ibn-al-Baha Badiullah, their issues, Baha’s members of family and relatives, the alleged relatived of the Primal Point, and Muhammad Ali’s partisans who resisted Abdul Baha’s claims are not designated by name in Abdul Baha’s Testament. Muhammad Ali is referred to as the Center of Sedition and all the rest is clubbed together and dubbed as the company of Covenant-Breakers which expression in eludes also Muhammad Ali. The term Aghsan (Branches) refers to Muhammad Ali and Ibn-al-Baha Badiullah who survived Abdul Baha and the the term Twigs (Afnan) means the allged relatives of the Primal Point. Reasons for non-designation by name are not far to seek: disclosures of the names of Covenant-Breakers would have been fatal to Abdul Baha’s vested interests.
Appended quotations are from the Excerpts from the Will & Testament of Abdul Baha Abbas, the Bahai World, Vol II, 1926-1928. PP. 81-89.

Facsimile of the cover of Sir Abbas Efendi’s Will and Testament, with a note inscribed upon it by Mirza Badiullah penned in his own handwriting.

Abbas Effendi's Will - Cover page, handwritten note by Badiullah

Facsimile of page 8 of the Will, with a marginal note by Mirza Badiullah penned in his handwriting.
Abbas Effendi's Will - Page 8, marginal note by Badiullah

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