Book of Elegy a Persian Arabic work by Subh-i Azal. Primarily, it is a beautifully composed eulogy in which Subh-i Azal praises God in the most humble manner. Persian readers will find it most enjoyable to read and to sing.
In this book Subh-i Azal in some inexplicit terms laments over the situation that has befallen the faith of Bayan.
In seclusion, living with hardship and left by one time friends of the faith, Subh-i Azal's only consolation is to be happy and suffice himself with what has been ordained by God.
His deepest sense of disappointment with those who left the faith (i.e. those who chose to follow Mirza Husayn Ali [Baha]) is visible in many parts of the book.
On page 20, we read:
The inhabitants of body (denied themselves of) the radiant splendour, took the path of destruction, rushed from existence to non-existence and found the being in the non-being."

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